ManyVids 2.0 is Here

We’re excited to release the first in a new series of Vids designed to create a more open relationship between the ManyVids team and our passionate community of Creators and Members! 

Why? Because changes are coming to ManyVids. Good changes. Changes that are designed to improve the experiences of everyone who uses our platform. Changes that directly reflect the feedback we receive from our passionate community. Changes that bring real, meaningful value. 

Yes, we’re talking about ManyVids 2.0. 

We want to make MV the platform of your dreams and we would love to have your help doing it. 

That's why we’re sharing this Vid – to spark a positive conversation that will help us along a path that we believe is long overdue. So, what does this first Vid cover?  

  • Who we are and where ManyVids came from. 
  • An overview of the changes we’re bringing to the platform. 
  • An explanation of why we believe these updates are necessary. 
  • A look behind the curtain of where we want MV to go in the future. 

Thank you for the constant love, support, and guidance over the years, ManyVids! We wholeheartedly believe that this community is one of a kind, and we want to do everything in our power to create a platform and experience that is as exceptional as all of you. 

Let us know what you think about our new Vid and everything it entails by commenting below or reaching out on social! And please help us spread the word by Re-MVing our announcement post and RT us on X. 

Together, we can make something truly special.