15 Questions with Cutie Frankie

ManyVids, it’s once again time to dive deep and get to know one of your favorite Creators on a more personal level. For this week’s installment of our 15 Questions series, we had the chance to talk with the one and only Cutie Frankie! Check out the interview below to read about content creation, roleplay, and so much more: 

1. How did you start working in the adult industry? 


2. What’s your favorite part of content creation? Have there been any big surprises?  

My favorite part about content creation is hearing from the people who commission me for custom projects after they’ve seen them. I love their reaction and surprise when they discover I have an accent when it wasn’t originally discussed – they’re always de-freaking-lighted.  

And hearing all their kind words when I’ve worked so hard to make it special for that person never gets old. Making a friend from there? Even better. 

3. What does the MV Community mean to you? 

The MV Community literally means the world to me. No, like, literally the world. I’m agoraphobic and only really leave the house for hiking or for rehearsals with theatre productions I’m involved in. Other than that, I don’t really have many people to speak to or be with.  

The MV Community has gifted me with the kindest of friends – and SO MANY of them. From other Creators to Members, I find solace in what would otherwise be isolation on my computer screen. So far, the MV Community and Team have been entirely welcoming, caring, and helpful. I wouldn’t trade the world for y’all because y’all are my world!  

Now that’s just what the MV Community means to me personally; if I had to define it, I’d say it’s like an island of misfit freaks comprised of the best kinks and folks of all kinds. 

4. What’s your ideation process like? Where do you like to find inspiration? 

What a far-out question to hit me with, ManyVids! Groovy.  

I guess I sort of try to conceptualize what makes the most logical sense for a roleplay, like how the story would play out. Then, I outline it and make a rough script, putting in different scene directions and camera shots even. I mean I make SCREENPLAYS, folks.  

I guess I find inspiration from the roleplay itself and let it flow from there! 

5. What movies have you watched so far in 2023? Any favorites? 

I’m restricting myself to a single movie because “movies” could get wordy with me! Best of 2023: PEARL! It’s in my top favorites of all time now. Oh, and stay tuned for the full-length Pearl “parody” A.K.A. my passion project, coming soon to ManyVids! 

6. What do you like to do when you have a day off? 

Because my phone has become an extension of myself, I never have a day off! The only time I truly am off is when I’m “off the grid” – hiking, climbing, foraging, arch hunting... All in all, enjoying the beauty of my home in the Appalachian Mountains! 

7. If you had to come up with a nickname for your fans, what would it be? 

First of all, if you’re a Cutie Frankie fan, you have a UNIQUE taste and I love that for you and your journey. Second, thank you for your support :) And welcome to THE CUTIE CLUB... Or we can be the “Sci-Fi Sluts.” 

8. How would you describe your personal style? 

Severely Maladapted Individual, Mean Camp Counselor, or Thrift Store Whore. You pick! 

9. Why are you drawn to roleplaying in your content? 

I LOVE roleplaying because it combines all my favorite crafts into one. I get to act, direct, practice cinematography, write screenplays, edit, and master! It’s a whole cinematic process.  

And If Cutie Frankie has always been one thing: it’s a slut for movies. I was always renting movies – they were the only off-limits thing I was given in an otherwise restrictive Southern Baptist household. I clung to them and used them to cope with trauma. I watched SLC Punk! so much that I broke the DVD. I eventually became a sort of human IMDB, having memorized so many movies, release dates, and directors.  

My love for performance has always been there, too, having done ballet and piano since I was 3 years old. And once I started doing Speech and Debate in high school, things got SERIOUS. I was team captain, a state champion, and then a national champion! It was the first time in my life that I felt like I was good at something – it was the first time I felt anyone cared about what I had to say at all. From this grew a genuine love and passion for public speaking. And that’s why I think I gravitate toward roleplay! It’s a creative outlet for me and my way of reminding myself: I still got it. 

10. When was the last time you took a vacation? Where did you go? 

I went to Point Pleasant, West Virginia, to fulfill my Mothman prophecy: I fucked the Mothman. 

11. If you could go on a date with any fictional character, who would it be? 

FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper (from one of my favorite shows ever, Twin Peaks!) Or, alternatively, both Mulder and Scully from the X Files, preferably on the same date.  

Are you looping back to the last question’s answer? That's not fiction, the moth man is REAL, and I FUCKED HIM! 

12. What do you like most about live streaming? How do you keep fans engaged during streams? 

I love interacting with my fans in general, so in mass quantities and in real-time, it makes me giddy! It’s like a Zoom call with a lot of cool folks and kind friends! I especially love when other Creators drop in to say hi :)

Gosh, how do I keep y’all engaged? I really can’t force a level of excitement, or manner of cool, I just am myself: awkward, goofy, and even sexy! So far, some ways I have tried to entertain have included playing naked Twister, interactive roleplay, truth or dare, and even teaming up for lives with my fellow Creator and dear friend, TabooliSalad 

Next up, watch me play nostalgic games on my GameCube! 

13. Do you have any creative outlets outside of content creation? 

YES! I act in local theatre productions. I now also have some experience in production design and even directing! I play piano and banjo, and I love to read and write, too. 

14. What song or album are you currently listening to on repeat? 

"Stella was a diver and she was always down" from Interpol’s album, Turn on the Bright Lights. It’s one of my favorite albums of all time! 

15. Do you have any tips for Creators who are just starting out? 

I feel imposter syndrome heavily and it makes it difficult for me to impart wisdom about creating content, but I will say this as a reminder. I constantly compare myself to other Creators, it’s hard not to; especially when you’re already starting out insecure, not just in my looks but abilities as well.  

If you find yourself doing the same thing and it’s getting you down, remind yourself that you matter, you are talented, and you should always be true to yourself. But also, that “until it’s my turn I will continue clapping for others.”  

Let’s celebrate ourselves and each other! Remember, you always have a friend in me, so if I can help you at any time, or just listen to you vent, please feel free to message me! <3 

Do you want to see more of Cutie Frankie? Check out her Profile at Cutie-Frankie.manyvids.com to discover all her fantastic Vids and roleplaying for yourself! 

And if you’re interested in being featured in our next 15 Questions, let us know in the comments below! It’s a fun way to connect with the MV Community and let a different side of yourself shine.