Finding Your Niche as a Content Creator

We’ve talked about it before, but when it comes to being a successful content creator, one of the most important things you can have is a unique perspective – a brand voice! 

TL;DR: a brand voice is the distinct spirit underlying all the pictures and words you share, the thing that connects them to one another and to you, the creator. In short, it’s how you communicate with your followers! 

So, for this blog, we're going to dive deeper into this concept of brand voice and explore why it’s important to have your own style, how you can carve out a niche for yourself, and why doing so can help you grow and retain your audience. 

Without further ado, let’s get into it! 

Having a niche can help you stand out. 

Let’s be honest, if there were two profiles to choose from, which would you be more likely to click on and subscribe to? 

  1. The one with a clear personality and theme behind each of its posts, that confidently pursues a specific passion while having a ton of fun in the process.  
  2. The one that does a little bit of this and a little bit of that but doesn’t really have much of a connecting thread between any of its posts. 

Now, obviously, we’re being biased for the sake of proving a point, but to us, it’s pretty clear that you would go with Option 1. 

It’s helpful to think about creating content like being an artist! Successful artists choose a recurring theme, idea, or passion that they may explore or play within their work, whether for a short period of time or the course of their entire career! By doing the same with your own content creation, you can not only improve your work but also attract attention and build your audience. 

And don’t feel like you have to limit yourself! The more you create in a particular style or with a specific idea in mind, the more you will learn how to build from it and expand. 

So, how can you bring your own unique perspective to the content you create? 

Like with most things, the best way to figure out where you want to go is to take stock of where you’re currently at and ask yourself some big questions! 

First off, think about the kind of content you have made up to this point:  

  • Do you think it’s representative of you and do you enjoy making it?  
  • If so, what parts do you like best about it? And if not, which aspects would you most like to change? 
  • What three words can you use to describe your content? Does it apply to everything you share? 

Next, think about some of your favorite content creators: 

  • Who do you admire and why do you like their work?  
  • Can you isolate a theme or idea that pervades through the content they share?  

Finally, consider what your audience might be after: 

  • Have you noticed your fans react in a particularly positive way to any of your Vids? What did you do differently that time?  
  • Have you ever asked your audience what kind of content they want to see? Does it align with the kind of stuff you want to create? 

By asking yourself these sorts of questions, you can home in on your own unique niche. And remember, a niche can be just about anything – a specific method of filming or editing your content, a certain type of Vid, or a particular way of addressing your followers – the most important thing is consistency! 

After you’ve scrutinized yourself and your content, start experimenting. 

One of the best ways to figure out what works is to figure out what doesn't work. So, try this, try that, try everything under the sun, and pay attention to what is working for you and your audience. Being a successful content creator is all about trial and error. 

Content creators with a specific niche attract and retain audiences better! 

When you create a specific type of content, you cater to a specific type of audience. And on ManyVids, the more you can cater to your audience, the more likely you're to find success! 

It might sound a little backward at first, but casting as wide a net as possible with your content isn’t always a good thing. It causes your content to lack that special je ne sais quoi that audiences crave – it lacks you! 

And while finding and creating within your own niche won’t make you a massive success overnight, as a viral Vid might, it builds a foundation that makes it much easier to attract new followers and retain existing ones in the long run. 

So, the next time you’re thinking about your ManyVids profile and the type of content you want to create, consider what your biggest fans might want. If you’re creating content that resonates with what they’re after and makes them want to engage, you’re going to help your career grow sustainably. 

If the MV Community is one thing, it’s supportive! Please take a moment to Re-MV our announcement post, RT us on X, or comment below, and let us know a little bit about the type of content you create.  

We can’t wait to see what you all have to say!