How New Content Creators Measure Success

When it comes to being a content creator, it can be easy to get carried away thinking solely about bottom lines and big numbers: 

“How many followers do I have? How much revenue am I making?” 

And while, yes, benchmarks like these are undeniably important – it’s equally important that you don’t trick yourself into thinking they’re the end all, be all. 

Why? Because you’ll drive yourself mad with stress and anxiety if you’re always chasing purely after money and gratification through followers! 

So, for today’s MV Blog, we’re going to shine a light on all the incredible things that you continue to achieve on a regular basis. 

Remember to take stock of your growth as a content creator! 

First and foremost, before you get lost in metrics and dollar signs, take a moment to think about where you’ve come from as a Creator. 

Creating content, like Vids, pics, live streams, and more, takes a ton of effort: different software, equipment, techniques, and so much more. And unless you were fortunate enough to have gone to school for this type of stuff, we imagine most of everything you’ve learned has been entirely self-taught. 

That alone is an enormous feat! 

Look back at some of your earlier content, whether it’s 2 days ago, 2 months ago, or 2 years ago, and appreciate how much your abilities have grown. Take a moment to recognize how you solved problems and used your creativity to adapt and overcome obstacles. 

By mastering the hard and soft skills of content creation, like: 

  • Using a specific camera or lighting setup 
  • Consistently making content calendars 
  • Having a rock-solid ideation process 

You give yourself the tools you need to flourish as a Creator. You set yourself up to pursue new, bigger, and tougher projects with complete confidence! 

Let data guide you as a content creator, but don’t let it command you. 

Followers, revenue, engagement, growth – we’re not trying to suggest that these things aren’t important for content creators, of course, they are. Rather, the intention of this article is to encourage Creators to develop healthy relationships with the metrics they receive! 

Early on in your content creation career, you’re not likely to receive the number of subscribers, likes, and comments that you ultimately want, but it’s important not to let yourself get discouraged.  

It’s simply a matter of perspective. 

Don’t think about these numbers as a condemnation of you or your ability to create content, use them as a guide to steer your practice!  

Every new subscriber, new comment, new like, et cetera, is an opportunity to investigate! 

  • What did you do recently that led to this engagement? 
  • What can you do differently that might lead to even more? 
  • How can you encourage these new fans to continue engaging with your content? 

Be productive and positive with your thinking and it will pay dividends in the long run. Try positioning the engagement you receive as a roadmap to even more engagement, and set goals accordingly. 

Why? Because you’re catering your content to people who are actively interested in it! 

Take time to consider your own relationship with creating content. 

Being a content creator can be very encompassing – from brainstorming to creating and editing to all the stuff that comes afterward. It can be difficult for Creators to separate themselves from everything! 

That’s why it’s important to ensure that you’re cultivating a healthy relationship with your career as a content creator.  

Take time for yourself and know when to set boundaries! When you make yourself your top priority, you can protect your mental health and well-being. Which means that you’ll be setting yourself up for a long, healthy, and happy career. 

We’ve talked about it before, but remember that content creation isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon! 

Be patient and celebrate yourself and everything that you do. You’ve come a long way and your journey as a content creator is just getting started! 

Thanks for always being such a supportive and fun community, ManyVids. If you could, please consider Re-MVing our announcement post, RT us on X, or comment below, and let us know about something you’ve recently achieved as a Creator that you’re proud of. 

We’re so excited to hear all about your successes!