The Shop Til' You Drop Event

We hope the MV Community is ready to have a little fun because a brand-new promo is coming to ManyVids – it’s time for the Shop Til’ You Drop Event! 

Store Items give Creators the perfect chance to develop their brand, express creativity, and have some fun with fans while also generating some extra revenue! 

So, from Monday, May 8th at 10 AM EST until Sunday, May 14th at 11:59 PM EST, we’re offering Creators even more earnings whenever they sell a physical Store Item... And that can only mean one thing, Members: sales, sales, and more sales on a ton of irresistible items from your favorite Creators all week long! 

How can you get involved as a Creator? It’s simple. 

  • Upload 4 new PHYSICAL Store Items – such as used clothing, signed Polaroids, collector’s items, or anything else your fans would love to receive by mail! Digital items, like Vid bundles, Custom Vids, Gift requests, Snapchat access, or any other online-only items do not qualify. 
  • Promote your new items on social media and your ManyVids feed.

Now, onto the fun stuff... When you sell ANY physical items during the promo period (newly uploaded or already existing items), you unlock awesome tiered rewards! 

  • Earn 85% payout when you sell ANY two physical items during the promo period 
  • Earn 90% payout when you sell ANY three physical items during the promo period 
  • Earn 95% payout when you sell 4 or more physical items during the promo period AND be entered to win an MV Gear prize pack 

And finally, the Creator who sells the most applicable Store Items during the sale will earn a solo promotional video highlighting their entire store to be posted across our social accounts and 100% PAYOUT on all their physical Store Items sold during the promo period! 

All increased percentage payouts will be paid as a bonus on Monday, May 15th when the promotion is completed. 

So, Members, we hope you’re ready because there will be no shortage of fantastic items up for grabs! Keep your eyes peeled for some awesome deals and claim a special treasure or two for yourself – all while supporting your favorite Creators in the process. Talk about a win-win! 

Please help us spread the word about the Shop Til’ You Drop Event by promoting what items are in your store in the comments below, Re-MVing our announcement post, and RT us on X. 

We can’t wait to see what fun stuff you put up for sale!