We've Improved your Search Tool

At ManyVids, it’s our mission to make your experience as efficient and enjoyable as possible – and content discovery is a big part of that! Since ManyVids is home to almost 170K Creators, with more joining our platform every single day, it’s incredibly important that our Users can easily find new and beloved content creators with a single search. 

It’s this diverse selection of Creators that makes ManyVids so special. 

After receiving feedback from the MV Community that our search tool wasn’t functioning as effectively as it should be, we immediately set to work to solve the problem. 

We’re happy to announce that we’re reincorporating several search filters from a previous version of our search tool to improve your content discovery experience! The updated search tool will feature: 

  • ALL – auto-suggests a mixture of 10 Creators/Vids relevant to the search term. 
  • CREATORS – auto-suggests 10 Creators relevant to the search term. 
  • VIDS – auto-suggests 10 Vids relevant to the search term. 

And, of course, each will also include a View All Results button at the bottom that will bring you to a page featuring all the relevant search results. 

We always appreciate receiving feedback from our Creators and Members about their experience on ManyVids, please let us know what you think about this update or any other by commenting below or filling out our feedback form. 

Please help us spread the word about our new & improved search tool by Re-MVing our announcement post and RT us on X. 

Happy searching, MV!